Small Business Achievements


DHRA Small Business FY24 Goal & Achievement % as of October 1, 2024

SB Eligible Dollars SB Eligible Actions SB $ / # Actions
$294,282,527.40 516 $93,706,234.52/313
Category Goal Achievement
SB 30% 31.8423%
SDB 25% 20.4689%
WOSB 5% 6.8983%
SDVOSB 5% 10.2819%
HUB Zone 3% 1.1557%

FY21-FY23 Goals/Achievement Chart

FY2021 DHRA Small Business Goal Achievement
Small Business and Prime Contracting 42% 32.1%
Small Disadvantaged Business 5% 23.47%
Service Disabled Veteran Owned SB 3% 8.24%
Woman Owned SB 5% 5.21%
HUB Zone SB 2.2% 2.06%
FY2022 DHRA Small Business Goal Achievement
Small Business and Prime Contracting 31% 34.75%
Small Disadvantaged Business 24.99% 23.6%
Service Disabled Veteran Owned SB 3% 7.15%
Woman Owned SB 5% 8.56%
HUB Zone SB 3% 1.7%
FY2023 DHRA Small Business Goal Achievement
Small Business and Prime Contracting 25% 34.5%
Small Disadvantaged Business 19% 23.7%
Service Disabled Veteran Owned SB 5% 9.9%
Woman Owned SB 5% 8.3%
HUB Zone SB 3% 0.87%
*FY23 performance is not yet final.

Visit for overall DoD Goal performance. 

Eligible small business dollars reflect the exclusion of  contracts awarded under the Ability One Program (JWOD), OCONUS awards, etc.

DHRA SB Goal Documents

* DHRA OSBP Annual Report 2021 final.pdf
* 2023 DHRA Small Business Goals Director Memo